Live music and dance| Sunday| February 16| 2025| from 1:30-5:00 at Las Palmas Grand
Festival Details - "Live music and dance, Sunday, February 16, 2025, from 1:30-5:00 at Las Palmas Grand"...
Start: Sunday, February 16, 2025 1:30PM
End: Sunday, February 16, 2025 5:00PM
Join us, Larry Rysavy, Lionel Stepp and The Polka Lovers Klub of America / Arizona Chapter and dance the afternoon away to their melodious sounds. Larry and Lionel provide a variety of musical styles such as polkas, Latin, waltzes, two-step and country that's sure to get your foot tapping, off your chair and unto the dance floor! All levels of dance experience are welcome! So, join us Sunday, January 19, from 1:30 - 5:00 pm. at Las Palmas Grand, 2550 S. Ellsworth Road, Mesa. Enter through the main gate off Ellsworth Road and head to the club house. Parking is provided surrounding the club house. Please do not park in reserved spots, around the fountain in the front of the facility or block residents' driveways. Enter the building, just past reception desk on the left make a left. Enter double doors at end of hallway. Tickets are sold at the door and can be purchased as follows: $8 for members of the Po.L.K. of A / Arizona Chapter while non- members pay $10 for entrance or save on future dances by joining the
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